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Why Spragless

As the landscape of high-performance vehicles evolves with innovations like blowers, turbochargers, and multiple nitrous shots, the superiority of spragless racing converters becomes evident. The higher the horsepower, the greater the risk of sprag failure. Importantly, recent insights confirm that sprags have no impact on converter stall speed.

Key Facts:

  • Sprag Functionality A sprag acts as a one-way clutch, similar to a ratchet in a toolbox. While essential for street cars with moderate horsepower and RPM ranges, it becomes less relevant in high-performance setups.
  • Stall Speed Influence Neither sprags nor spragless inserts affect converter stall speed significantly. Factors like fin angle, stator design, core size, and technician expertise play a more crucial role. Sprag functionality only becomes critical when it fails.
  • Common Failure Causes Sprag assemblies often sustain damage during initial tire shake in burnouts, leading to uneven wear and eventual failure. A worn sprag can cause significant inconsistency in vehicle performance, affecting both reaction time and elapsed time.
  • Impact on Reaction Time and E.T. Intermittent sprag slippage results in reduced reaction times and poorer performance as the vehicle rolls through the stage beam slower due to increased engine loading.
  • Shift Change Effects If the sprag slips during a shift change, RPMs drop below the normal stall speed, leading to slower elapsed times and reduced MPH.
  • Performance of Spragless Converters Contrary to misconceptions, spragless racing converters offer consistency without sacrificing speed. TSI’s 10” “spragless” Northstar currently holds the world record for the quickest converter at 5.42 E.T.-263 MPH.
  • Finish Line Slippage Spragless converters exhibit minimal slippage at the finish line compared to sprag converters, as demonstrated by Wayne Morris’s T/AD showing just over 1% slippage with 3000 HP.

Addressing the Issue:

Transmission Specialties provides spragless converters in various sizes to accommodate horsepower ranges from 400 to 2800. Backed by a 90-day warranty and offering free stall adjustments, we offer a solution to the recurring problem of sprag converter repairs. Whether converting an existing sprag converter or custom-building a new spragless converter, we aim to eliminate the frustrations associated with sprag failures.

With two decades of experience in building spragless racing converters for diverse applications, Transmission Specialties stands as a reliable choice amidst a growing market of spragless converter offerings. Don’t risk entrusting your converter to companies still learning the ropes; opt for proven expertise and performance.